The Future is here …

… How should existing policies be adapted to these innovations?

Are brain-organoids conscious? …

…Are people willing to implant an AI in their heads?


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In this millennium, we are witnessing the greatest scientific and technological revolution of all times and we are confronting ourselves with an unprecedented debate about brain regeneration, artificial intelligence and neuroprostheses for brain function restoration and enhancement.

This site is intended to engage in an open dialogue between scientists, society, and policy makers to address the philosophical and ethical concerns arising from the increasing trend of the biotechnology and biomedical fields towards man-machine hybridization. It pursues a holistic approach to human well-being using an interdisciplinary combination of expert perspectives and philosophy, in order to inform the public and correct widespread misconceptions and fears about ‘cyborgs’ and human enhancement, stemming both from transhumanism and bioconservatism.

The blog team

“We started outsourcing our thinking to machines in the 19th century, using tools for thought, like computers, to extend our cognitive capacities. Does that mean that machines can think or that they make thinking superfluous?
I’m a cognitive philosopher and here I analyze the division of labor between mind and machine in its original context”

Carlo Ierna

Philosopher, Radboud University Nijmegen

“I am a neuroscientist with a keen interest in neural engineering and artificial intelligence. My research focuses on the development of intelligent biohybrid systems to repair the brain.
Being a Medical Doctor, I am devoted to improving human quality of life by designing new therapeutic strategies that are tailored to the individual”

Gabriella Panuccio

Neuroscientist, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

“Innovation is the way to change, but innovation without control is a difficult way to go”

Luca Satolli

Idea development and Tech Support, Eurokleis s.r.l.

Today, more than ever, the eye wants its part.

Diana Martinescu

Web Designer, Eurokleis s.r.l.