Carlo Ierna writes about …
Anything is art if an AI says it is
Do not you understand? This is a whole new dimension, even according to the canons of the...
Sketchy AI
Young man, you don't think I'm encountering constructive symbolism for the first time, do you?...
AI see, AI do
You young badgers imagine that it would be enough to smear a pound of paint on the canvas and...
As far as AI can see
Again and again it is prophesied that real painting will celebrate a comeback - but the...
All aboard the Spike Train!
Experimental evidence has accumulated during the last few years which indicates that many...
The Network is the Message
A continued stimulus, such as a state of tension, a light or a sound, produces a continued passage...
Older posts
I’m in your brain, releasing your transmitters
The mechanism of action of nerve stimulation is...
Come in Neuron: do you copy?
If we liken the nervous currents to electric...
Zap goes the Neuron
If I do not greatly deceive myself, I have...
Today one Neuron, tomorrow the Brain!
The Navy said the perceptron would be the first...
Do Neurons Count?
It is necessary to note that such "neural...
Fire All Neurons!
Mechanical analog computers had their origins in...
The Brain is as the Brain does
The primary purpose of all neural systems is...
Counting on the Brain
Evolution has made a lot of inventions, as it...
Found in Translation
Whereas perfect algorithms (or working rules)...
The ends justify the rules
Complicated mental processes are entirely...
The Digital Analogy
Computers are only prostheses, they no more do...
Thinking in the Box
Even the simplest brains of the simplest animals...
Wet Between the Ears
Sensations are received by a certain definite...
Good Old Fashioned Artificial Neural Networks
Specification of the nervous net provides the...
A material program living in a material world
Thus, the only question which can reasonably be...
Mental Programs
This article is concerned with the psychology of...
Don’t know much about history, don’t know much psychology
Logical laws are identical with natural laws of...
In this house we obey the laws of thought!
Two things fill the mind with ever new and...
Cognition is nothing but computation Hobbes 1655...
Making IT Count
The word “Artificial” is used in one sense when...
Natural Born Computers
You who calculate! ... Why not use Brains of...
Human Intelligence: Copy / Paste
Every aspect of learning or any other feature of...
Backward Thinking
Artificial intelligence belongs in the history...
The Killing of a Sacred Disease
When the device and Leggett began to work...
To Humanity and Beyond
The case of the use of the abacus by Japanese...
Going Into a Limb
The distinction between a “tool” and a...
The Sum of the Parts vs the Whole
The firm should have the right to take back what...
Embodied Bodies
Once incorporated into a body, then, a...
Build Humans Back Better
You’re a human being. Why not stay a human...
Best 2021 Articles
In this millennium, we are witnessing the...
The Extended Brain
Once the hegemony of skin and skull is usurped,...
Future of Days Past
Science fiction is often described, and even...
More than one Way to Reskin a Cat
But you comprehend the result ? Man’s complete...
Insert Coin to Pray
There is no great invention, from fire to...
These are not the Robots you are looking for
These are novel living machines. They're...
The Computer and The Brain… they like to Sing a Song
Do not touch the machine Anton Des Roubles: I am...
Life Imitating Science
Our children should be studying Arthur C....
Where is my flying car?
The future is already here it’s just not very...
Natural Born Cyborgs
Human! We used to be exactly like them......
Conditioning the Moral Compass
He has no real choice, has he?Self-interest,...
Human-Computer Symbiosis
The hope is that, in not too many years, human...
I was driven mostly by practical questions,...
Hips of Steel
Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the...
The Ethical Pursuit
New discoveries, new technologies, new social...
We are Bee-men
Rather than speak of a group mind, it may thus...
Our common-sense conception of psychological...
As the World Seems
We have heretofore confused the notion of the...
Write What you don’t Know
The task of a science of consciousness is to...
Barking up the Evolutionary Tree
Throughout nature almost every part of each...
Thought is an adaptive brain-activity Van de...
Mind the Brain
Our first step in understanding the mind, is to...
The Mental Life of Brains
Biology can tell us a great deal about how...
The brain is susceptible of many operations,...
The advantage of a bad memory is that, several...
Brainless Myths
What I have just said of the network, on its...
Little Big Brain
The cerebellum contains 80% of the brain’s...
A Brainful of Consciousness
Consciousness ...This is the castle keep, the...
The Mental Node
My view is that this gland is the principal seat...
A Healthy Brain is a Joy Forever
Men ought to know that from the brain, and from...
Robots in Disguise
When I see a bird that walks like a duck and...
Robot See, Robot Do
I do think that robots deserve rights and there...
Coppélia 2.0
He clasped the beautiful Olympia, and with her...
Handy Robots
If evolution really works, how come mothers only...
In Our Image
Care-O-bot 4 Developers did not want its...
Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto
Imagine a craftsman being awakened suddenly in...
Mind over Matter
"You, your joys and your sorrows, your memories...
I’m in my Head, Thinking my Thoughts
"By ratiocination, I mean computation. [...] all...
Mental Brains
"Hemispherectomy" the operation where half the...
My Brain is Me
"There are two things about the human soul on...
Things that Think
What do we mean by “thinking”? What are the...
Natural Born Robots
NATURAL BORN ROBOTS Brooks introduces Nouvell...
Voodoo Neuronics
Is thought just a program?
Will Artificial Intelligence Ever Live Up to Its...
The world is not a chessboard
Many people believe AI (Artificial Intelligence...
Putting the “Artificial” in “Intelligence”
"Artificial general intelligence: Are we close,...
Captain Cyborg
"Even if we cannot upload our consciousness to...
Be2Be networking
Can we transfer information directly from one...
Uploading your mind
Neuralink website says: "We expect our first...
Read/write access to the brain?
"Elon Musk has recently announced a breakthrough...