Come in Neuron: do you copy?

Jul 17, 2022Philosophy/Ethics, Tech0 comments

If we liken the nervous currents to electric currents, we can compare the nervous system below the hemispheres to a direct circuit from sense-organ to muscle

James 1890

Cho and John are talking about the following article:
Action potentials and synapses

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The answer varies depending on the question? In what sense?

Today 15:43


Well, you were asking about “neuromorphic computing”, so you’re interested in the computational aspects                          

Today 15:43


Yes, that’s right. 😊

Today 15:43


But Sandra, as a doctor, might be interested in completely different aspects of a neuron

Today 15:44


Like: what is wrong with it, why isn’t it firing, is there damage to the cell membrane, etc. 

Today 15:44


Oh, ok, sorry I thought you meant something completely different!

Today 15:44   


So from a computational point of view, you’d just be looking for information                                 

Today 15:45


And since we’re making assumptions we’re missing things

Today 15:45   


Exactly. If you look for 1s and 0s, you’ll look at the bits that could be 1s or 0s and forget about the rest            

Today 15:46


Ha, bits, quite literally 😅 … And that’s why we look at the electrical part?

Today 15:46   


Yes, a stimulus, a current, something that transmits information    

Today 15:47


And what do we miss then?

Today 15:48   


Hard to know where to begin really … communication between cells isn’t just firing off electrical signals 😊                  

Today 15:48


OK, so you mean the chemical aspects of communication between nerve cells?

Today 15:49   


Yes, how signals spread along the axon and then how that triggers the release of neurotransmitters across the synapse (Neurotransmitter)

Today 15:50


I’ll need to include a short dictionary with the article I’m afraid … 😅

Today 15:51   


That would be seriously useful I think, I just can’t avoid some of the jargon 😅

Today 15:52

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