As far as AI can see
Again and again it is prophesied that real painting will celebrate a comeback – but the celebration is postponed from year to year – but the celebration is postponed from year to year
Kishon 1986
Manuel and Sam are talking about the following article:
He used AI to win a fine-arts competition. Was it cheating?

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters“

Hi, Sam! Have you seen that amazing new AI art?

Hi Manuel! Yes I did! 😊

Can I ask you a couple of questions about that, as an AI expert? 😉

Of course!

So how big of a breakthrough is this really?

That depends on your views about AI …

OK, can you elaborate on that?


Well, the images the AI can generate are amazing

It just takes a very simple input and generates quite complex images, take a look at this example


I tried it myself and it is incredible! 😱😱😱😱😱

IIndeed, but I think I need to explain a bit more …

Good, that’s why I am here, after all 😊

It can work pretty quickly with simple input, because it was first trained on a gigantic library of images

OK, like any artificial neural network, right?

Yes, first you feed it lots of images, tag all the subjects in them, and then you let the AI play around

Still amazing, no? 😅

Up to a point, in some respects this is still dumb as rocks

What do you mean? 😅😅

Go to any of the new AI image generators and try something like “chess” or “traffic jam” …

I’ll do that, and be right back! 🤩
… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Monday …
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