It suddenly started drawing – in a naturalistic style. Yesterday I was watching it whizzing around, and the result really did look almost like you. That’s when I threw it away…

Carlo Ierna writes about …
In this blog you will find also some fictional dialogues made between different virtual characters. We thought of doing this to stimulate the reader to identify with the questions or curiosity of the different characters. In fact, each character has their own personality and will interact with others in a different way. If you want to view all the virutal characters and you want more information about please visit the virtual characters page.
It suddenly started drawing – in a naturalistic style. Yesterday I was watching it whizzing around, and the result really did look almost like you. That’s when I threw it away…
Do not you understand? This is a whole new dimension, even according to the canons of the classical “art sacre”. This is a real revolution. Do you understand, ladies and gentlemen? This is the first hot plastic artwork! You! You! My boy … you are an artist!
“Young man, you don’t think I’m encountering constructive symbolism for the first time, do you? “Unplug”: free yourself from physicality, from the vulgar earthbound physicality, from the evils of civilization, from electricity, nerves, and so on. Isn’t that what this is? The association is crystal clear, I’d be tempted to say, perhaps even too obvious” (Kishon 1987)
You young badgers imagine that it would be enough to smear a pound of paint on the canvas and you’re already a modern painter. I would be willing to accept this abomination for a bad joke, if there was even the slightest humor behind it. But this here is an abracadabra! A nothing!
The case of the use of the abacus by Japanese school children and adults … tool’s use becomes incorporated into a culture-specific technology
The experimental results from neurobiology have lead to the investigation of a third generation of neural network models which …
A continued stimulus, such as a state of tension, a light or a sound, produces a continued passage of sensory impulses to the central nervous system.
The mechanism of action of nerve stimulation is unknown… it is possible that substances are formed under the influence of nerve stimulation
If we liken the nervous currents to electric currents, we can compare the nervous system below the hemispheres to a direct circuit from sense-organ to muscle
If I do not greatly deceive myself, I have succeeded in realizing… the hundred years’ dream of physicists and physiologists, to wit, the identity of the nervous principle with electricity
The Navy said the perceptron would be the first non-living mechanism capable of receiving, recognizing and identifying its surroundings without any human training or control
Neural computers do not execute typical machine instructions of digital computers unless they are made to emulate the behavior of physical neural networks
Mechanical analog computers had their origins in Naval Gunnery in World War I […] mechanical analog computers remained of considerable military importance certainly until well into the 1960s and have only been superseded by digital computing systems in the 1970s.