Build Humans Back Better

Jan 7, 2022Philosophy/Ethics0 comments

You’re a human being. Why not stay a human being?
Because I want the best and that’s a metallic heart.

Isaac Asimov

Manuel, Cho and Sam are talking about the following paper:

In this post the images comes from:

      1. Jeswin Thomas da Pexels

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters

Group Chat

Manuel, Cho, Sam


Hi Cho! Hi Sam! Great that you could both make it!

Today 11:38   


Sure, no problem! Hi everyone! 😊                                                         

Today 11:39  


Hi all! You want to talk about robots again? 😄

Today 11:40   


Actually, no, and we’d be leaving Cho out …😄

Today 11:40  


Except for the machinery in our lab, I’m not really into robotics 😄

Today 11:40  


I’d like to interview you both about cognitive enhancement

Today 11:41  


That does sound more up my alley!                                                        

Today 11:42  


So, is this about AI and brain implants?

Today 11:42   


Well, yes and no, I mean, not just about that …

Today 11:43  


I’d also like to hear your views on the idea of enhancement as such

Today 11:43  


Like, philosophically, ethically?                                                                

Today 11:44  


I did take a course on the ethics of AI (Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics), but I’m not sure whether that’s the same

Today 11:45   


Let me explain a bit then:

Today 11:45  


Remember the piece about science and sci-fi John and I were working on? Life Imitating Science

Today 11:45  


Sure, that was very interesting! 😊                                                         

Today 11:45  


And that actually was about robots … again! 😊                          

Today 11:45   


I know you love talking about robots, so I keep bringing them up …

Today 11:45  


Thanks to Julia we started writing on all the ways humans have tried to improve themselves

Today 11:45  


A kind of history of tool use?

Today 11:45   


Or medicine?                                                                                               

Today 11:45  


Both actually! That’s why I need both your expertise here: this is about prosthetics.

Today 11:46  

… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Saturday …

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