A material program living in a material world

Apr 18, 2022Philosophy/Ethics, Tech0 comments

Thus, the only question which can reasonably be discussed at present is not whether robots can fall in love, or whether if they did we would say they were conscious, but rather ..
To what extent a digital computer can be programmed to exhibit the sort of simple intelligent behavior characteristic of children and sometimes animals, such as playing games, solving simple problems, reading sentences, and recognizing patterns

Dreyfus 1965

Julia and John are talking about the following article:
Why general artificial intelligence will not be realized

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


In the beginning people thought General AI was just around the corner

Today 17:08


Like in the ‘50s and ’60s? 😊

Today 17:09   


Yes, Newell and Simon were convinced that they already had a thinking machine (Computer Simulation of Human Thinking)

Today 17:09


That does sound a bit ambitious, for the kind of equipment they had … 😅

Today 17:10   


Of course hype like that brought out many critics, famously Hubert Dreyfus

Today 17:11


Not sure I’ve heard of him …

Today 17:12  


He was a philosopher, not an engineer, and wrote a book on “What Computers can’t do

Today 17:12


basically, that computers cannot understand the world like humans do

Today 17:12


Oh, I remember Sam saying something about the world not being a chessboard , is it like that?

Today 17:13  


I think it is exactly that: computers lack the background knowledge about how things work

Today 17:13


if it isn’t explicitly there in the algorithm, in the program, it doesn’t really exist for the computer

Today 17:13


But that’s not how humans think, right?

Today 17:14   


Yep, Dreyfus was a phenomenologist and looked at how humans experience and act in the world

Today 17:15


and AI’s lack the specific human way of “being in the world” as Heidegger called it

Today 17:15


So that’s why AI’s would have a lot of trouble with stuff a little kid can do effortlessly? 😊

Today 17:15   


Indeed, but this also suggests a solution: put the AI in the world like a human 😊

Today 17:16


Ah, of course, instead of a disembodied algorithm, you give it a robot body, and senses, and make it learn, and …

Today 17:17   


Bingo! Humans aren’t disembodied minds, so if you want human intelligence … 😊

Today 17:18


Good stuff! But we should definitely check in with Sam about this too.

Today 17:19   


Sure, will do, and perhaps you can talk to Manuel, about the interview he did him?

Today 17:19


Yes, and see if he has more material.

Today 17:20   


Great! Then we’ll catch up later 😉                                                         

Today 17:20


See you soon! 😊

Today 17:21   

… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Saturday …

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