Natural Born Computers

Mar 7, 2022Philosophy/Ethics, Tech0 comments

You who calculate! …
Why not use Brains of Steel which never tire?

(Brunsviga ad, 1909)

Julia and Cho are talking about the following article:

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


Hi Cho! Sorry to bother you …

Today 11:36  


Hi Julia! Never a bother! How can I help you?  😊                                

Today 11:37


I was asked to contribute to another article for John’s magazine

Today 11:38   


It is about the history of AI? And we have some questions …

Today 11:38   


Sure, but AI isn’t really my thing, as you know  😅                               

Today 11:39  


Oh, yes I do know! But you do have a background in psychology, right? 😉

Today 11:40  


That’s right, cognitive psychology 😊                                                     

Today 11:41 


So, early AI was inspired by how humans think and what they think with

Today 11:42   


do you think we need to include something about the history of neuropsychology?

Today 11:42   


Like, how did we discover the rules of thinking in the brain?             

Today 11:43   


Exactly! 😊

Today 11:44   


Ah, now I see what you’re getting at. Well, maybe  🤔                        

Today 11:45   


Maybe? 🤔

Today 11:46


It depends a bit on what you mean by “intelligence”                         

Today 11:47   


If you mean human level general intelligence, then I’m not sure the history brain science is going to help

Today 11:48   


But if you also mean, basic pre-processing of information in the sense-organs, then probably yes!

Today 11:48   


Also, you might need to ask someone like Sam about the “artificial part

Today 11:49   


If it works like human intelligence, why do we call it artificial?           

Today 11:49   


Thank you for the clarification, Sam was indeed my next stop, and then I’ll get back to John.

Today 11:50 


Good luck with your article!                                                                      

Today 11:51   

… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Saturday …

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