Little Big Brain

May 21, 2021Philosophy/Ethics, Tech0 comments

The cerebellum contains
80% of the brain’s neurons, but constitutes only

10% of brain mass

Brain Behav Evol. 2018; 91(3): 158–169


John and Cho are talking about the following article:
Woman of 24 found to have no cerebellum in her brain

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


So we know the brain isn’t just “neurons”

Today 15:41   


Indeed, there are many different types, with different functions      

Today 15:42


Describing the brain as “neurons” would be like describing the body as “cells” 🤭

Today 15:43   


Exactly, well said!  😉                                                                                 

Today 15:43


So we do talk quite a bit about various types of neurons and Glia cells

Today 15:44   


Very good, that should be informative                                                   

Today 15:44


What should we mention besides Interneurons , pyramidal cells , and rosehip neurons ?

Today 15:44   


Oh, but you’re forgetting all about the cerebellum! Purkinje and Golgi cells  

Today 15:45


Oops! You’re absolutely right, we were too much focused on the cerebrum 😊😊

Today 15:45   


That’s what most people do, they assume “brain” is actually just the two main hemispheres                                                                      

Today 15:46


Thanks for reminding us there’s more 😊

Today 15:47   


No problem  😉                                                                                          

Today 15:47


But we’re not going to go into too much detail about the brainstem in this article

Today 15:48   


Fair enough, can’t do everything  😉                                                      

Today 15:48


We do mention that the brain is mostly fat and water … 🧠

Today 15:49   


Well, that’s not very helpful …  most types of cells are ..                     

Today 15:49


… to introduce our next article topic: myths about the brain 🧠

Today 15:50   


Ah!   Yes, I see why you would mention it then 😄                               

Today 15:51


“We only use 10% of our brain”

Today 15:51   



Today 15:52

… Continue to read the conversation between John and Cho 
on Saturday 29th May…

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