A Brainful of Consciousness

May 14, 2021Philosophy/Ethics, Tech0 comments


…This is the castle keep, the central redoubt, the core essence of true mentality, many will argue, and it has so far escaped any plausible reconstruction in neurocomputational terms

​Churchland 1994, 212

John and Cho are talking about the following article:
Early Ideas on the Localization of Vital Functions

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


So here is a list of examples of people who thought they could find the exact spot where consciousness is located in the brain

Today 15:40


Longet thought it would be in the corpus callosum, Drelincourt in the cerebellum, Lotze and Herbart in the pons

Today 15:41


Cool! We didn’t have Lotze and Herbart, I think I might add those …

Today 15:41   


Be sure to check in with my student, she might have more information for you                                                                     

Today 15:42


Certainly, I’ll acknowledge her in the article if I use her paper 😊

Today 15:43   


Good! They all tried to put consciousness in some unique, asymmetrical part of the brain                                                            

Today 15:43


Yeah, like Descartes with the pineal gland 😊

Today 15:44   


There still are people trying to do that, you know. Churchland wrote a whole Book about it                                              

Today 15:44


I don’t think we have him in the list … 🤔

Today 15:44   


He proposed that consciousness would be located in the intralaminar nucleus                                

Today 15:45


I’ll jot that down now, can you mail me the precise reference later?

Today 15:45   


Sure, no problem. 😊                                                                                

Today 15:46


This has been very helpful!

Today 15:47   


So what’s next?  😊                                                                                    

Today 15:47


We’ve got an article on what the brain is actually made of

Today 15:48   


Oh, good one, people make the weirdest assumptions about that  

Today 15:48


Yes, they do!

Today 15:49   


Like it would all just be neurons …  😊                                                   

Today 15:49

… Continue to read the conversation between John and Cho 
on Saturday 22nd May…

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