Thought is an adaptive brain-activity
Van de Grind, 1997, 16
Julia and John are talking about the following article: Theoretical Models of Consciousness

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters“

Thank you for the instructions, I’ve started writing and have some questions

Shoot! 😊

Do you think I can quote some of the old texts in the article or is that too boring?

Well, that depends. A short, punchy one-liner should be fine.

OK, here’s a few I was thinking about using:

“Thoughts stand in the same relation to the brain as urine to the kidneys” (Vogt,1846)

“No thought without phosphorus” (Moleschott ,1852)

“The brain creates a conscious field just as the stomach and digestive tract create digestion.” (Searle ,2005)

Holy moly! Last one’s a bit long, but those are certainly fine!

Yeah, I was doubting that last one, but I wanted to show how we still think in those same terms about the brain and the mind 😊

They do sound similar, but are they really the same, more than a century later?

I found someone saying literally the same thing as Searle, but it’s in French:

“Pour se faire une idée juste des opérations de la pensée, il faut considérer le cerveau comme un organe particulier, destiné spécialement à la produire; de même que l’estomac et les intestins à faire la digestion” (Cabanis ,1802)

OK, that is too long and too French … my high school French is quite rusty, but that does sound like literally the same, yeah. 😊

Cabanis is basically saying that the brain produces though like the stomach produces digestion, so …

You could just reference it, without the whole quote.

I guess that would work too.

Good find, those quotes are quite thought provoking. So are you arguing against progress in neuroscience?

Oh no, not at all! Just that there’s some very basic assumptions we’ve kept since the beginning. 😊

OK, even more looking forward to your draft!
… Continue to read the conversation between John and Julia on Saturday 10th July…
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