Mind the Brain
Our first step in understanding the mind, is to understand neurons
Kandel et al., 1995, 3
Julia and John are talking about the Mind and Brain

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters“

Dear Sir, my professor has told me to contact you wrt an internship at your magazine

Hello Julia! Yes, Cho told me about you. Please just call me John! 😊

Hi John! So what can you tell me about the summer internship?

We have a deal with the university where you get both paid and credit for working with us

That’s great! Just what I was looking for! 😊

Cho told me you wrote a great paper about Mind and Brain, and that is exactly what we are looking for.

I saw that your article referenced it, that was so cool! 😊

Yep, but then there’s the boring part too: we need an intern to also do some basic copyediting, fact checking, and data entry

I understand that the internship is a lot of menial work too, getting to learn the ropes etc.

Indeed, writing for a large public is different from writing essays

I look forward to your feedback and comments then!

Happy to oblige! Do you already have an idea for an article?

Well, I really liked the philosophy of mind class, so now I’m looking into the history and philosophy of neuroscience

I saw there was something of that in your essay already

Yes! Some of the early stuff is really fascinating and still very similar to what we do now

Sounds interesting, I’ll send you a some instructions and look forward to your draft!

That’s great! 😊
… Continue to read the conversation between John and Julia
on Saturday 3th July…
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