The ends justify the rules

May 23, 2022Philosophy/Ethics, Tech0 comments

Complicated mental processes are entirely reducible to such simple activities as the attentive observation of statements previously accepted as true, the perception of structural, purely external, connections among these statements, and the execution of mechanical transformations as prescribed by the rules of inference

Tarski 1936

Julia and John are talking about the following article:
The laws of thought and thinking machines

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


Hi John, I just finished discussing things with Sam                               

Today 17:08


Great! So what did he have to say about this whole “laws of thought” thing? 😊

Today 17:09


Well, there’s a bunch of different approaches  😊                               

Today 17:09


Either you try programming them in from the start, or you make the AI learn them on its own                                  

Today 17:09


Would either of those then yield the same “rules” humans use?

Today 17:10


Probably not, there’s still far too many simplifications and shortcuts in the models

Today 17:11


Generally people care more about the results than the procedure  

Today 17:11


So as long as it works, it isn’t relevant whether or not an AI uses the same process a human would use

Today 17:12 


Exactly, moreover we don’t really know what rules humans use      

Today 17:12


basically, that computers cannot understand the world like humans do

Today 17:12


We don’t know how we get stuff done?

Today 17:13 


Perhaps I should also go talk to a psychologist or a logician, but: no, not really

Today 17:14


We can’t properly generalize how we solve problems to how any problem can be solved in general

Today 17:14


and we don’t know precisely enough how the rules are “programmed” in the brain

Today 17:14


OK then, so AI just is a tool we use to solve problems, whether or not in a human way

Today 17:15 


and the whole “laws of thought” thing then doesn’t really matter, right?

Today 17:15 


I think we might have to split out how AI is used in different context.

Today 17:16


The AI in an automated assembly line certainly doesn’t need to think and behave like a human

Today 17:16


but research in computer science and in psychology does have to ambition to discover these laws

Today 17:16


So mostly we’d need to split up theory and application

Today 17:17 


Perhaps that would be the best. And AI would certainly be on the theoretical side

Today 17:18


Very good, the only thing we would still need is a good example or metaphor to make it clear to the reader

Today 17:19   

… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Saturday …

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