More than one Way to Reskin a Cat

Nov 26, 2021Philosophy/Ethics, Tech0 comments

But you comprehend the result ? Man’s complete triumph over disease by this process of dissolution and rehabilitation

A Witch City Mystery Frederick van Rensselaer Dey, 1901

Manuel and Sandra are talking about the following article: The futuristic processes that are making medicine better today

In this post :
    1. Chermiti Mohamed from Pexels

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


Hi Sandra, I need some advice on medical technology! 😊

Today 11:41   


Hi Manuel, hopefully not for yourself …?                                               

Today 11:42   


No, thank goodness, for a piece I’m writing. 😊

Today 11:43   


Oh, ok, always glad to help. 😊                                                                

Today 11:44   


OK, rapid fire questions about science or sci-fi! Ready!

Today 11:46  


I sure hope so: ready!                                                                                

Today 11:47   


Artificial wombs?

Today 11:48  


There’s some in the animal testing stage, but just for premature births, not right from conception: Artificial Womb

Today 11:49   


OK. Tricorders

Today 11:50   


Tricorders? 🤔                                                                                            

Today 11:51   


It’s a term from Star Trek: a handheld device that can provide a quick diagnosis

Today 11:52   


Oh, well, those exist or are in development for some specific cases, not an overall diagnosis: Medical Tricorders

Today 11:53   


Great! Last one is an open question: what is the most sci-fi-like real development?

Today 11:53   


Where do I begin! There’s so much going on in medical technology nowadays …

Today 11:54   


Prosthetics and Exoskeletons?

Today 11:54   


Maybe, but I’m more exited by biological breakthroughs involving living tissue

Today 11:55   


Tell me all about it!

Today 11:56   


There’s been some serious advances in regenerative medicine, for example for the skin

Today 11:57   


you can just spray on a thin layer of healthy cells from the patient, instead of using grafts: Advances in Skin Tissue

Today 11:57   


Wow that does sound like sci-fi to me!

Today 11:58   


Lucky for us it isn’t: it’s science!  😉                                                        

Today 11:59   

… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Saturday …

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