Embodied Bodies

Jan 15, 2022Philosophy/Ethics, Robots and Robotics0 comments

Once incorporated into a body, then, a prosthesis is no longer merely an object, in the sense that we can no longer straightforwardly deny that it has or plays a role in a person’s subjectivity

Walker 2019

Manuel, Cho and Sam are talking about the following paper:
On Replacement Body Parts

In this post the images comes from:

      1. Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters

Group Chat

Manuel, Cho, Sam


Julia pointed out to us that medical technology is both extremely old and has always been linked with sci-fi or mythology

Today 15:38   


Apparently the first-ever mention of a prosthetic leg dates back over 3000 years to the Indian Rig Veda “Vishpala

Today 15:38   


That is indeed extremely old, but I do know that cavemen already performed brain surgery, so …😊                                                         

Today 15:39  


But this is mythological, right? I’m not sure how advanced it was … did it have moving joints?

Today 15:40   


We don’t really know, but we have an actual prosthetic big toe from Egypt from around the same time “Ancient Egyptian’s wooden toe is sophisticated prosthetic

Today 15:42  


That would actually be more advanced than a simple peg leg!

Today 15:43  


The first moving joints were developed in the middle ages, as far as we know.

Today 15:43 


Yeah, I suppose that wooden prosthetics rarely survived intact

Today 15:44   


There’s a Roman artificial leg, but no joints “Copy of Roman artificial leg, London, England, 1905-1915

Today 15:45  


I do know some of this history, but I suppose you are also going to look to the future?

Today 15:46  


Oh, absolutely! The point is that mythology and then sci-fi are full of amputations and replaced limbs

Today 15:46  


Sorry for being a nerd, but we will get to Darth Vader at some point, right?😊                                               

Today 15:47   


Ha! Sure, that’s a great example actually. At some point we slip from just replacing, to improving.

Today 15:47  


Now I see where you are going with this, yes. When is a prosthetic healing and when enhancing?

Today 15:48  


I guess that this is linked to, well, an engineering mindset, I’d say.     If the body is a machine, we can repair as well as improve it.

Today 15:49   


See? This is exactly why I needed both of you for this! When is something actually “enhancement”?

Today 15:50  


There are quire a few ethical problems linked to that … doctors “playing god” and all that.

Today 15:50 


Same here: as soon as you start talking about an AI that is more than human, things get really complicated.

Today 15:51   


I’m looking forward to hearing all about it!

Today 15:52  

… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Saturday …

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