To Humanity and Beyond
The case of the use of the abacus by Japanese school children and adults provides an illustration of how thoroughly the historical processes involved in the development of a tool’s use becomes incorporated into a culture-specific technology while simultaneously becoming a part of human nature ..
We Have Met Technology and It Is Us
Cole & Derry 2005
Manuel, Cho and Sam are talking about the following paper:
Enhancement, ethics and society: ..
In this post the images comes from:
- Cottonbro from Pexels
- Vine from Pexels
In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters“
Group Chat
Manuel, Cho, Sam
Let’s get down to earth again. Prosthetics generally replace a missing limb, but cognitive tools seem to do something different, right?
Limb or organ, but OK 😊
The categories do overlap though, you can definitely see some brain implants as cognitive tools
OK, examples? 😉
Deep Brain stimulation to improve memory in Alzheimer patients
Indeed, and this also improves memory in non-impaired people, so can be considered an enhancement too
Right, so cognitive tools aren’t just handheld devices, but can also be prosthetics or implants
With all the tools and technologies we have nowadays, do we live in some kind of sci-fi future? 👾
Ha! 🤔 I’m sure some would see it as a dystopia! Everything controlled by computers we no longer understand …
That actually is a serious issue. Things have gotten incredibly complex and no single person understand everything anymore
Just think of surgery: most surgeries require a large team and a lot of infrastructure, not just a dude with a saw …
That’s right, same thing for computers. Remember the y2k panic? Year 2000 problem
People thought the millennium bug would cause the end of the world!
Both individual computers and especially computer networks have become hugely complex. Not just two guys in a garage…
Ok, so a lot more specialization and collaboration.
Sam mentioned brain prosthetics earlier: it won’t be long before we have brain prosthetics with AI
I’m quite sure that this would be considered an enhancement by most, and scary by many.
Right, it might not be literally rocket science, but it does bring together two of the most complex and advanced fields
Computers and the brain, neither of which we fully understand yet?
Well, we design the computers, but artificial neural networks are indeed hard to explain
Asking people to let an implant “do their thinking for them” requires a lot of trust
Wow, this has been great, thank you both so much for your input! 😊
… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Saturday …
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As far as AI can see
The case of the use of the abacus by Japanese school children and adults … tool’s use becomes incorporated into a culture-specific technology
All aboard the Spike Train!
The experimental results from neurobiology have lead to the investigation of a third generation of neural network models which …
The Network is the Message
A continued stimulus, such as a state of tension, a light or a sound, produces a continued passage of sensory impulses to the central nervous system.
I’m in your brain, releasing your transmitters
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Come in Neuron: do you copy?
If we liken the nervous currents to electric currents, we can compare the nervous system below the hemispheres to a direct circuit from sense-organ to muscle
Zap goes the Neuron
If I do not greatly deceive myself, I have succeeded in realizing… the hundred years’ dream of physicists and physiologists, to wit, the identity of the nervous principle with electricity
Today one Neuron, tomorrow the Brain!
The Navy said the perceptron would be the first non-living mechanism capable of receiving, recognizing and identifying its surroundings without any human training or control