
Sep 24, 2021Philosophy/Ethics, Tech0 comments

I was driven mostly by practical questions, indeed also by the question whether we could, just as is the case with the electrocardiogram for pathologies of the heart, find an objective research method for pathological changes in the activities of the central nervous system, which would be of the greatest significance for diagnostics

Berger 1929

Manuel and Sandra are talking about the following article:
The History of Neuroimaging Techniques

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


So the category of Implantable Medical Devices is quite large and diverse

Today 11:39  


The most common ones are probably lens implants for cataracts   

Today 11:39  


Oh, I hadn’t thought of those! My grandma had that!

Today 11:39  


Yep, very common, and knee replacements are more common than hip replacements

Today 11:40  


OK, sure, but stuff like this is … an old hat, right? We’ve been doing this for a long time?

Today 11:41   


Absolutely, knee replacements started in the 19th century already

Today 11:42   


Now what about the new and controversial devices? You mentioned working on a brain implant?

Today 11:44   


That’s right, a neurostimulator for chronic back pain after spinal injury

Today 11:42   


Cool! So what does that do exactly? 😁

Today 11:46  


After a spinal injury a lot of people develop chronic pain and our device basically intercepts the pain signals

Today 11:42   


So we can detect and block such specific signals?

Today 11:46  


There are various techniques to measure brain activity, like an EEG or fMRI

Today 11:48   


An EEG is an “electroencephalogram”: measuring electrical activity on the scalp that corresponds to activity in the brain.

Today 11:42   


fMRI is “Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging”, measuring brain activity by measuring blood flow in the brain

Today 11:42   


OK, I did know about those. These are non-invasive, without surgery, right?

Today 11:48  


Right, but with surgery we can also put electrodes directly in the brain

Today 11:49   


Like Deep Brain Stimulation? 😵‍

Today 11:50   


Well, there is a difference between measuring and stimulating, but basically yes.

Today 11:50   


And then you can hook the electrodes up to a computer?

Today 11:51   


Not always, but, yes, that is a possibility                                                

Today 11:51   


That’s the kind of implantable device I was talking about: Brain-Computer Interfaces!

Today 11:51   

… Continue to read the conversation between Manuel and Sandra  on Saturday 2nd October…

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