Future of Days Past
Science fiction is often described, and even defined, as extrapolative. The science fiction writer is supposed to take a trend or phenomenon of the here-and-now, purify and intensify it for dramatic effect, and extend it into the future.
Strictly extrapolative works of science fiction generally arrive about where the Club of Rome arrives: somewhere between the gradual extinction of human liberty and the total extinction of terrestrial life
Introduction to “The Left Hand of Darkness”
Ursula Le Guin,1969
Manuel and John are talking about the following article:
It’s not about tomorrow, 1: Ursula Le Guin
In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters“
Hi there John, everything allright?
Hi Manuel, yep, I got all kinds of feedback and suggestions 😊
That’s great! My editor will be pleased 😊
A student of Cho also sent me some very interesting material about the history of science fiction linked to the history of science
Oh, very interesting! Were you thinking of a follow-up for context?
Indeed, a supplementary article, I’ll forward it to you with my comments.
I’ll check it out and forward it to my editor then.
Thanks! I think it does add depth and perspective 😉
So what do you think about the piece as it is?
I sense some hesitation in your words …?
That’s a good point actually, not just hyping or criticizing the hype would be nice 😊
Then we should definitely include something more reflective, a more abstract perspective
Good idea! 😊I’ll pitch the need for a follow up article to my editor!
… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Saturday …
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