Putting the “Artificial” in “Intelligence”

Dec 11, 2020Philosophy/Ethics, Tech0 comments

Artificial general intelligence: Are we close, and does it even make sense to try?

A machine that could think like a person has been the guiding vision of AI research since the earliest days—and remains its most divisive idea…”


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Hi Sam, could I ask you a couple of questions on AI … and robots?

Today 11:32  


👋  Sure thing!                                                                                

Today 11:34   


Thanks! I’ve read this article and I’m not sure I quite get the point. What is “AGI” exactly?

Today 11:34   


Ah, yes, that’s a tricky one …  😎😎                                                        

Today 11:35  


So basically “AI” just means “Artificial Intelligence”, and that’s hard enough to define, but “AGI” means “Artificial General Intelligence”

Today 11:36   


Ok, and the difference is … ? 😅

Today 11:36  


Compare it to a toolbox: you have nails, you need a hammer. You need to find patterns in data, you need an AI  🤖

Today 11:37


As Marvin Minsky once said, we could call a program “intelligent” if it does things in a way that we would call “intelligent” if a human did them

Today 11:37


So a machine is smart if it does things like a human? 

Today 11:38   


Defining “intelligence” in general is really hard! AI systems are really good at things humans are really bad at, and really bad at things that are really easy for humans -> https://xkcd.com/1425/ (Moravec’s Paradox)

Today 11:40  


So can we make an AI as smart as a human or no? 😆😆

Today 11:43   


Yes and no. We can make an AI do some tasks as well or faster than a human, but not in the same way a human does them, just like a car isn’t an artificial horse

Today 11:45   


Ah, that clears it up. So a hammer is better than my fist at hammering in nails, but it is not a better hand overall. Right?

Today 11:45   


 Yes, in a sense. What “AGI” wants to be, is an AI that is as intelligent as a human overall, not just for a specific task. But still not necessarily do things in the same way a human does

Today 11:46


So we have specialized AI systems that are good at one thing, but not a general AI that is good at everything?

Today 11:46   


Exactly. BUT!  😁😁😁                                                                              

Today 11:46   


… there’s always a but … 😆

Today 11:46   


Well, there is one approach that tries to imitate how humans learn to do things: artificial neural networks that imitate the structure of the brain and can learn, instead being programmed.

Today 11:47   


They’re building a whole artificial brain?  🧠🤖

Today 11:48


Not really no, these neural nets are generally simulated on ordinary computers 😊😊😊😊                                    

Today 11:49   


In this way, AI’s have achieved human-level skills in games  https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/10/alphago-zero-the-ai-that-taught-itself-go/543450/

Today 11:49   


and have learned to do more complex perception and motion  https://www.bostondynamics.com/atlas


Today 11:49   


Doesn’t this mean it is just “intelligent” full stop? What makes it “artificial”? “Artificial” makes it sound like its fake …

Today 11:50


In a sense you are right, “artificial” is commonly used to indicate that something is not real, like artificial flavoring or coloring in food. A computer solves problems in a different way than a human, but if it gets the job done, there’s nothing “fake” about it 

Today 11:51   


OK, I’m going to read some stuff and get back to you.

Today 11:52


Sure, have a nice weekend!    🖖🖖                                                       

Today 11:52   

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