Best 2021 Articles
In this millennium, we are witnessing the greatest scientific and technological revolution of all times and we are confronting ourselves with an unprecedented debate about Brain Regeneration, Artificial Intelligence and Neuroprosthesesz for brain function restoration and enhancement.
We understand the brain better and better, but there still is a lot to discover ( Uploading your mind )
With Carlo Ierna, historian of philosophy at Radboud University we have been making a journey across some history at the origins of contemporary technology, recent disruptive news about brain chip implant and robots replacing humans.
The articles draw the attention of the scientific community as well as the general audience to different topics and arising questions about uploading and downloading consciousness, whether it is possible to transfer information directly from one brain to another over the internet…
(from Captain Cyborg)
…the relation between body and mind, and mind and behavior.

(from Mind over Matter)
We have been investigating the origin of AI
A machine that could think like a person has been the guiding vision of AI research since the earliest days

We analyzed the relation between
Robot and Humans
About the relation between body and mind, and the brain and the identity

(from My Brain is Me )
Can we read and write brain signals wirelessly now?
Will we truly be able to read and write memories, emotions, knowledge in the brain?

(from Read/write access to the brain? )
And then we have been looking at the relation between
Sci-fi and Science
“about the history of science fiction linked to the history of science” (Future of Days Past)
linking the history of science fiction to the history of science, exploring through the science fiction authors’ eyes how technology changes society.

Ethical and research standards have changed a lot…
We have some historical perspective, but we’d need ethics of technology…
BrainJam addresses the social, ethical, and philosophical concerns deriving from the emergence of previously unimaginable technology and its possible future application to the most mysterious organ of the human body: The Brain.
This site is intended to engage in an open dialogue between scientists, society, and policy makers to address the philosophical and ethical concerns arising from the increasing trend of the biotechnology and biomedical fields towards man-machine hybridization. It pursues a holistic approach to human well-being using an interdisciplinary combination of expert perspectives and philosophy, in order to inform the public and correct widespread misconceptions and fears about ‘cyborgs’ and human enhancement, stemming both from transhumanism and bioconservatism.
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