Robot See, Robot Do
I do think that robots deserve rights and there are research projects being carried out today that are looking at robot laws.
African-American slaves were given rights when slavery was abolished and they became part of society.
Think of animals too – none of them had rights in the beginning but now animal rights are the norm. So if robots can interact with humans, they too should be given rights
Hiroshi Ishiguro
Manuel and Sam are talking about the following article:
Reality is catching up to science fiction
In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters“
So the AI can fool a lot of people … in the sense that it can pass for human often enough? 😊
Something like that. For specific purposes we don’t need AGI
OK, so the robot can react appropriately when it knows enough of the topic
Right, so as a receptionist at a hotel a robot doesn’t need to know everything, we can predict most of the questions that come up
When is breakfast, where is my room, can you order a taxi, etc.
“look really human”, con you specify that? 🤗
Smile, nod, move their eyes around, gesticulate, have non-plasticky skin, no gaps, hinges, wires, etc.
That’s a daunting list of do’s and don’ts, and I guess there is a lot more 🧐
Yep. But if we can do that, we can climb out of uncanny valley
So how do we do that? 🤔
Well, we did manage to tackle a large part of speech recognition and production …
… sure, fair enough, Siri and Alexa do work pretty well 😊
And we did that mostly by just studying humans and copying them 😊
Right, to pass the Turing test, imitate a human, fool the judge
Correct. So now we need to do the same thing with the rest, both body and behavior
That would be a huge deal! 😁
Absolutely. And this is really necessary for empathy.
Tell me more! 😁
… Continue to read the conversation between Manuel and Sam
on Saturday 24th April…
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