The Digital Analogy

May 16, 2022Philosophy/Ethics, Tech0 comments

Computers are only prostheses, they no more do calculations than clocks tell the time.
Clocks help us to tell the time, but they don’t do it by themselves..

Tallis 2008

Julia and Sam are talking about the following article:
Analog and digital, continuous and discrete

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


I’m not sure I understand why the 🌍 digital/analog distinction is relevant here …

Today 17:08


Someone once tried to convince me the distinction doesn’t even make sense!

Today 17:08


Ha, well, 😁 computationally it does, but perhaps it is better to speak of 🌍 discrete and continuous

Today 17:09   


Ok, now I’m even more confused …                                                        

Today 17:09


Well, think of a analog and digital watches: both tell the same time, but in a different format

Today 17:10


Sure, so you mean there is no difference?                                             

Today 17:11


I didn’t say that, but perhaps that they simply measure time in different ways, it is not time which is analog or digital, but the watch

Today 17:11   


Ah, ok. So in the case of information processing, it is not the brain or the computer that is analog or digital, but how we measure and describe it?

Today 17:12


That’s exactly what I mean! We can describe a neuron in different ways and then compare it to a circuit or a flipflop.

Today 17:12   


So there is a similarity in the description, but not necessarily in the thing you are describing? 🤔                                                                    

Today 17:13


That starts to sound very philosophical and abstract, but, yes, indeed. We can describe them in the same way.

Today 17:14   


So what did you mean with discrete and continuous?                                                           

Today 17:15


Both brains and computers work with electricity, but in a computer the voltages are tightly controlled and used in a digital way: ones and zeroes

Today 17:16   


In a brain the voltage can vary continuously, but sometimes triggers a neuron to “fire”, and up to a point we can treat that as a “one” too

Today 17:16   


So continuous means that we measure what is happening as close as possible, discrete that we just count the neurons that fire

Today 17:17   


Aha, so by treating them as discrete units, we can then treat them as digital in our computational model 😊                                                                                

Today 17:18


Precisely! We’re not trying to copy the brain at all, only what we think is informationally relevant.

Today 17:19   


But Cho will tell you we are also ignoring a lot of stuff that happens in the brain to make that possible

Today 17:19  


And that we don’t really know which bits and pieces are relevant for the brain as a whole

Today 17:20


Yep, I can tell you exactly how information flows through a computer or even a network, but we can’t trace it in the brain

Today 17:21


Because in the brain medium and message, 🌍 vehicle and content aren’t clearly distinguishable.

Today 17:22


So we can’t point at the brain and say “this process right here is this or that law of thought”. I think I get it!

Today 17:22


Happy to have been of assistance!

Today 17:23


Thank you so much! I’ll report back to John now                                  

Today 17:23

… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Saturday …

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