In this house we obey the laws of thought!

In this house we obey the laws of thought!

In this house we obey the laws of thought!

Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them:
the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Julia and John are talking about the following article:
The Normative Status of Logic

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


OK, so I did some digging and I’d like your feedback 😊                     

Today 17:08


Great! Let’s have it!😊

Today 17:09   


So, I looked up the idea of “laws of thought” and whether we can put them in a computer

Today 17:09


First issue: if we find laws of thought, what kind of laws are these?

Today 17:09


What do you mean? 🤔

Today 17:10   


Are they laws like traffic regulations, laws you should follow, but sometimes don’t?

Today 17:11


Or are they laws like the laws of nature, which you follow whether or not you want to?

Today 17:11


Oh, I see. I remember something about prescriptive and descriptive laws …

Today 17:11  


Exactly! That’s it. So do the laws of thought tell us something about how the brain is wired,

Today 17:12


how we should think if we want to think the right way, or are these ideal laws

Today 17:12


Ideal laws? 🤨

Today 17:13   


Not sure what the right expression is here: these would be descriptive laws, but not like natural laws 🤔

Today 17:14


Oh, you mean like math and logic, and so on

Today 17:14   


Yes, we don’t discover them by generalizing from facts, but they are formal, ideal

Today 17:15


OK, so now we have different types of laws. We can explain that to the reader, but then what?

Today 17:15   


Well, there’s a bunch of psychologist, philosophers, and engineers that argued back and forth on this

Today 17:16


and it seems to matter a lot to whether and how we can put them into a machine.

Today 17:16


Right, so can we just build a copy of the brain and then it will automatically follow the same laws, or not?

Today 17:17   


That is indeed the type of question! But there is more! 😊                

Today 17:18

… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Saturday …

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (4 votes, average: 4.25 out of 5)

Related post

Sketchy AI

Sketchy AI

“Young man, you don’t think I’m encountering constructive symbolism for the first time, do you? “Unplug”: free yourself from physicality, from the vulgar earthbound physicality, from the evils of civilization, from electricity, nerves, and so on. Isn’t that what this is? The association is crystal clear, I’d be tempted to say, perhaps even too obvious” (Kishon 1987)

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AI see, AI do

AI see, AI do

You young badgers imagine that it would be enough to smear a pound of paint on the canvas and you’re already a modern painter. I would be willing to accept this abomination for a bad joke, if there was even the slightest humor behind it. But this here is an abracadabra! A nothing!

read more




Cognition is nothing but computation

Hobbes 1655

Julia and John are talking about the following article:
The Laws of Thought

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


Hi John, I’m back! 😊                                                                         

Today 17:08


Ok, great! What did you find out?😊

Today 17:09   


On the lowest levels where data comes in and is processed, the material implementation does matter a lot and very directly

Today 17:09


but on higher levels of abstraction, it matters less, except in a general sense, constraining processing speed and memory size

Today 17:09


And what is your conclusion about what to include in the article then?

Today 17:10   


I think I agree with you that we don’t need to go back all the way to the mythological era

Today 17:11



Today 17:11  


well, I suppose it does make sense to include something about the history of psychology

Today 17:12


Aha, and why would that be? 

Today 17:13   


Both Cho and Sam mentioned “the rules of thinking” and “the laws of thought”, isn’t that what we should be looking at?

Today 17:14


Maybe, but the article is about AI, not human psychology …

Today 17:14   


And yet human intelligence is the only intelligence we really know, more or less

Today 17:15


So where do we get the “intelligence” part from, if not ourselves?

Today 17:15


Hmmm, I see what you mean. So then we need a section on how we discovered our own laws of thought and then put them in a machine?

Today 17:15   


Exactly! That was what I was getting at! 😅                                  

Today 17:16


OK, I do think that makes sense. Then we can’t just talk about computer technology since the 1950s, I guess

Today 17:17   


No indeed, we should go back at least to the 19th century       

Today 17:18


Works for me! But we still have a word limit to observe, so we should be quite selective

Today 17:18 


I’ll get right on that, no problem! 😉                                              

Today 17:19


Thank you so much for your help! 😊

Today 17:20 

… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Saturday …

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (4 votes, average: 4.25 out of 5)

Related post

Sketchy AI

Sketchy AI

“Young man, you don’t think I’m encountering constructive symbolism for the first time, do you? “Unplug”: free yourself from physicality, from the vulgar earthbound physicality, from the evils of civilization, from electricity, nerves, and so on. Isn’t that what this is? The association is crystal clear, I’d be tempted to say, perhaps even too obvious” (Kishon 1987)

read more
AI see, AI do

AI see, AI do

You young badgers imagine that it would be enough to smear a pound of paint on the canvas and you’re already a modern painter. I would be willing to accept this abomination for a bad joke, if there was even the slightest humor behind it. But this here is an abracadabra! A nothing!

read more

Making IT Count

Making IT Count

Making IT Count

The word “Artificial” is used in one sense when it is applied, say, to flowers, and in another sense when it is applied to light.
In both cases something is called artificial because it is fabricated, but in the first usage artificial means that
the thing seems to be, but really is not, what it looks like.

Sokolowski (1988)
“Natural and Artificial Intelligence” Daedalus 117/1

Julia and Sam are talking about the following article:
Artificial Intelligence

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


Hi Sam, can I bother you for a minute?

Today 11:36  


Hi Julia, sure thing! What’s up? 😊                                                           

Today 11:37 


I’m collaborating with John on a new article on the history of AI

Today 11:38   


Oh, wow, there’s lots of interesting stuff in there! How can I help?😊                               

Today 11:38  


My question would be: how much does your body matter to your mind?

Today 11:38   


Wow! You’d need a philosopher for that, not an engineer! 😊          

Today 11:39  


Let me rephrase that: how much does the hardware determine the software? 😉

Today 11:40  


Oh, right! Yeah, if you put it that way … Quite a bit actually!😊         

Today 11:40  


I don’t know about the mind in general, and the “laws of thought”,   

Today 11:41  


but a computer is definitely conditioned by its basic architecture    

Today 11:41  


say, whether it can process things only serially, one after another, or in parallel, etc.

Today 11:42  


I guess the constraints can be found mostly at the lowest levels?

Today 11:43   


Yes, where hardware and software meet, in a sense, where the 1 and 0 of math become electromagnetic charges and streams

Today 11:44  


OK, but at higher levels you can do the same algorithm on different machines?

Today 11:45   


Absolutely! Most computers implement the same kind of high level, abstract programming languages

Today 11:45  


And whatever we call “AI” mostly happens there, so isn’t constrained much by the hardware?

Today 11:46   


Well, most of the differences you’ll see between human intelligence and AI actually does boil down to implementation

Today 11:46  


how the various bits and pieces communicate, the size and speed of memory, etc.

Today 11:46  


last question: why do we call it “artificial” if it just works like human intelligence? 😅

Today 11:47


Perhaps we shouldn’t! But I guess it mostly means “made with tools” instead of “fake”. Some prefer to speak of “machine intelligence

Today 11:47  


OK, this has been most helpful! 😊

Today 11:48 


Happy to hear it! 😊Let me know how it turns out!                             

Today 11:48  

… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Saturday …

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (2 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)

Sketchy AI

Sketchy AI

“Young man, you don’t think I’m encountering constructive symbolism for the first time, do you? “Unplug”: free yourself from physicality, from the vulgar earthbound physicality, from the evils of civilization, from electricity, nerves, and so on. Isn’t that what this is? The association is crystal clear, I’d be tempted to say, perhaps even too obvious” (Kishon 1987)

read more
AI see, AI do

AI see, AI do

You young badgers imagine that it would be enough to smear a pound of paint on the canvas and you’re already a modern painter. I would be willing to accept this abomination for a bad joke, if there was even the slightest humor behind it. But this here is an abracadabra! A nothing!

read more

Natural Born Computers

Natural Born Computers

Natural Born Computers

You who calculate! …
Why not use Brains of Steel which never tire?

(Brunsviga ad, 1909)

Julia and Cho are talking about the following article:

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


Hi Cho! Sorry to bother you …

Today 11:36  


Hi Julia! Never a bother! How can I help you?  😊                                

Today 11:37


I was asked to contribute to another article for John’s magazine

Today 11:38   


It is about the history of AI? And we have some questions …

Today 11:38   


Sure, but AI isn’t really my thing, as you know  😅                               

Today 11:39  


Oh, yes I do know! But you do have a background in psychology, right? 😉

Today 11:40  


That’s right, cognitive psychology 😊                                                     

Today 11:41 


So, early AI was inspired by how humans think and what they think with

Today 11:42   


do you think we need to include something about the history of neuropsychology?

Today 11:42   


Like, how did we discover the rules of thinking in the brain?             

Today 11:43   


Exactly! 😊

Today 11:44   


Ah, now I see what you’re getting at. Well, maybe  🤔                        

Today 11:45   


Maybe? 🤔

Today 11:46


It depends a bit on what you mean by “intelligence”                         

Today 11:47   


If you mean human level general intelligence, then I’m not sure the history brain science is going to help

Today 11:48   


But if you also mean, basic pre-processing of information in the sense-organs, then probably yes!

Today 11:48   


Also, you might need to ask someone like Sam about the “artificial part

Today 11:49   


If it works like human intelligence, why do we call it artificial?           

Today 11:49   


Thank you for the clarification, Sam was indeed my next stop, and then I’ll get back to John.

Today 11:50 


Good luck with your article!                                                                      

Today 11:51   

… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Saturday …

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (2 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)

Sketchy AI

Sketchy AI

“Young man, you don’t think I’m encountering constructive symbolism for the first time, do you? “Unplug”: free yourself from physicality, from the vulgar earthbound physicality, from the evils of civilization, from electricity, nerves, and so on. Isn’t that what this is? The association is crystal clear, I’d be tempted to say, perhaps even too obvious” (Kishon 1987)

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AI see, AI do

AI see, AI do

You young badgers imagine that it would be enough to smear a pound of paint on the canvas and you’re already a modern painter. I would be willing to accept this abomination for a bad joke, if there was even the slightest humor behind it. But this here is an abracadabra! A nothing!

read more