It suddenly started drawing – in a naturalistic style. Yesterday I was watching it whizzing around, and the result really did look almost like you. That’s when I threw it away…
In this house we obey the laws of thought!
In this house we obey the laws of thought!
Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them:
the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me
Julia and John are talking about the following article:
The Normative Status of Logic
In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters“
OK, so I did some digging and I’d like your feedback 😊
Great! Let’s have it!😊
So, I looked up the idea of “laws of thought” and whether we can put them in a computer
First issue: if we find laws of thought, what kind of laws are these?
What do you mean? 🤔
Are they laws like traffic regulations, laws you should follow, but sometimes don’t?
Or are they laws like the laws of nature, which you follow whether or not you want to?
Oh, I see. I remember something about prescriptive and descriptive laws …
Exactly! That’s it. So do the laws of thought tell us something about how the brain is wired,
how we should think if we want to think the right way, or are these ideal laws
Ideal laws? 🤨
Not sure what the right expression is here: these would be descriptive laws, but not like natural laws 🤔
Oh, you mean like math and logic, and so on
Yes, we don’t discover them by generalizing from facts, but they are formal, ideal
OK, so now we have different types of laws. We can explain that to the reader, but then what?
Well, there’s a bunch of psychologist, philosophers, and engineers that argued back and forth on this
and it seems to matter a lot to whether and how we can put them into a machine.
Right, so can we just build a copy of the brain and then it will automatically follow the same laws, or not?
That is indeed the type of question! But there is more! 😊
… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Saturday …
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