I’m in your brain, releasing your transmitters

I’m in your brain, releasing your transmitters

I’m in your brain, releasing your transmitters

The mechanism of action of nerve stimulation is unknown. In view of the fact that certain pharmaceuticals act almost identically to the stimulation of certain nerves, it is possible that substances are formed under the influence of nerve stimulation, which in turn successfully effect the stimulation

Loewi 1921

Cho and John are talking about the following article: Introduction to cell signaling

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


So an electrochemical signal travels along the axon, that is, along the membrane of the cell itself …

Today 15:43


Right, and that then triggers chemical messengers that convey information to other cells.                    

Today 15:43


And this can happen in various ways too? 😊

Today 15:43


Yes, that is another form of categorization: what the target is.         

Today 15:44


Ok, so depending whom the cell wants to speak to, it releases different chemical compounds?

Today 15:44   


Something like that. Keep in mind that all cells communicate, not just nerve cells

Today 15:45


Please elaborate!

Today 15:45   


So a cell can target itself, can target its close neighbors, or can target other cells far away.
Today 15:46


we call that “autocrine”, “paracrine”, or “endocrine” signalling.            

Today 15:46


OK, but that’s all done with “neurotransmitters”?

Today 15:46   


Not really, no. Endocrine signalling is done by hormones                  

Today 15:47


Cells release a compound into the bloodstream which then affects cells far away, in other parts of the body.
Today 15:47


Oh, wow,😳 that definitely something that isn’t normally included in “neuromorphic computing

Today 15:48   


Nope, I guess not, but it definitely is “information processing” between cells.

Today 15:48


We might need to do an article on that sometime … but let’s focus on neurons for now.

Today 15:49   


OK, indeed the standard case in that context is go/no go based on action potentials

Today 15:50


Yes! And for the purposes of computation, we can safely regard those as 1s and 0s? 😊

Today 15:51   


Up to a point, because cells can excite or inhibit other cells, making it more or less likely they will fire

Today 15:52


And it more often than not is many to many communication           

Today 15:52


What do you mean?🤔

Today 15:53   


One cell releases neurotransmitters to multiple other cells while at the same time multiple cells affect one cell

Today 15:53


OK, so we definitely need to stress the holistic and network aspects😉

Today 15:53   

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Sketchy AI

Sketchy AI

“Young man, you don’t think I’m encountering constructive symbolism for the first time, do you? “Unplug”: free yourself from physicality, from the vulgar earthbound physicality, from the evils of civilization, from electricity, nerves, and so on. Isn’t that what this is? The association is crystal clear, I’d be tempted to say, perhaps even too obvious” (Kishon 1987)

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AI see, AI do

AI see, AI do

You young badgers imagine that it would be enough to smear a pound of paint on the canvas and you’re already a modern painter. I would be willing to accept this abomination for a bad joke, if there was even the slightest humor behind it. But this here is an abracadabra! A nothing!

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Come in Neuron: do you copy?

Come in Neuron: do you copy?

Come in Neuron: do you copy?

If we liken the nervous currents to electric currents, we can compare the nervous system below the hemispheres to a direct circuit from sense-organ to muscle

James 1890

Cho and John are talking about the following article:
Action potentials and synapses

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


The answer varies depending on the question? In what sense?

Today 15:43


Well, you were asking about “neuromorphic computing”, so you’re interested in the computational aspects                          

Today 15:43


Yes, that’s right. 😊

Today 15:43


But Sandra, as a doctor, might be interested in completely different aspects of a neuron

Today 15:44


Like: what is wrong with it, why isn’t it firing, is there damage to the cell membrane, etc. 

Today 15:44


Oh, ok, sorry I thought you meant something completely different!

Today 15:44   


So from a computational point of view, you’d just be looking for information                                 

Today 15:45


And since we’re making assumptions we’re missing things

Today 15:45   


Exactly. If you look for 1s and 0s, you’ll look at the bits that could be 1s or 0s and forget about the rest            

Today 15:46


Ha, bits, quite literally 😅 … And that’s why we look at the electrical part?

Today 15:46   


Yes, a stimulus, a current, something that transmits information    

Today 15:47


And what do we miss then?

Today 15:48   


Hard to know where to begin really … communication between cells isn’t just firing off electrical signals 😊                  

Today 15:48


OK, so you mean the chemical aspects of communication between nerve cells?

Today 15:49   


Yes, how signals spread along the axon and then how that triggers the release of neurotransmitters across the synapse (Neurotransmitter)

Today 15:50


I’ll need to include a short dictionary with the article I’m afraid … 😅

Today 15:51   


That would be seriously useful I think, I just can’t avoid some of the jargon 😅

Today 15:52

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Related post

Sketchy AI

Sketchy AI

“Young man, you don’t think I’m encountering constructive symbolism for the first time, do you? “Unplug”: free yourself from physicality, from the vulgar earthbound physicality, from the evils of civilization, from electricity, nerves, and so on. Isn’t that what this is? The association is crystal clear, I’d be tempted to say, perhaps even too obvious” (Kishon 1987)

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AI see, AI do

AI see, AI do

You young badgers imagine that it would be enough to smear a pound of paint on the canvas and you’re already a modern painter. I would be willing to accept this abomination for a bad joke, if there was even the slightest humor behind it. But this here is an abracadabra! A nothing!

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Zap goes the Neuron

Zap goes the Neuron

Zap goes the Neuron

If I do not greatly deceive myself, I have succeeded in realizing…
The hundred years’ dream of physicists and physiologists, to wit, the identity of the nervous principle with electricity

Du Bois-Reymond 1848

Cho and John are talking about the following article:
The Principles of Nerve Cell Communication

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


Hello Cho, I wonder if I could bother you with some questions? 😊

Today 15:43


Hi John, sure, what do you need? 😉                                                      

Today 15:43


I’m working on an article on neuromorphic computing

Today 15:43


Well, I’m good for the “neuro” part, but computing …not so much😅

Today 15:44


No problem, I already talked to Sam, and the “neuro” part is precisely why I come to you now 😊

Today 15:44   


Ah, OK then I do think I can be of assistance!                                       

Today 15:45


Excellent! Sam really confused me with his talk of analog and digital or continuous and discrete 😣

Today 15:45   


Yes, that is something that comes up a lot when talking about neurons             

Today 15:46


So can you help me with that? What kind of information or signals do neurons exchange?

Today 15:46   


Let’s start with “it’s complicated”                                                             

Today 15:47


I was afraid you’d say something like that …😅

Today 15:48   


First of all, there are many different kinds of neurons                        

Today 15:48


Oh! Yes, I recall we talked about that! “Little big brain

Today 15:49   


Very good! 😊

Secondly, people tend to focus on the electrical aspect, not on the chemical one

Today 15:50


What do you mean?

Today 15:51   


When a neuron fires, it isn’t exactly the same as flipping a switch

Today 15:52


So it isn’t digital or discrete?

Today 15:53   


Not straightforwardly no, but it also depends on how you look at it?

Today 15:54


Is this going to be about quantum and observers and stuff like that?

Today 15:55   


Ha! No, not at all. 😅 

I just meant that the answer might vary depending on the questions you ask

Today 15:55

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Related post

Sketchy AI

Sketchy AI

“Young man, you don’t think I’m encountering constructive symbolism for the first time, do you? “Unplug”: free yourself from physicality, from the vulgar earthbound physicality, from the evils of civilization, from electricity, nerves, and so on. Isn’t that what this is? The association is crystal clear, I’d be tempted to say, perhaps even too obvious” (Kishon 1987)

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AI see, AI do

AI see, AI do

You young badgers imagine that it would be enough to smear a pound of paint on the canvas and you’re already a modern painter. I would be willing to accept this abomination for a bad joke, if there was even the slightest humor behind it. But this here is an abracadabra! A nothing!

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Today one Neuron, tomorrow the Brain!

Today one Neuron, tomorrow the Brain!

Today one Neuron, tomorrow the Brain!

The Navy said the perceptron would be the first non-living mechanism “capable of receiv­ing, recognizing and identifying its surroundings without any human training or control.”
Mr. Rosenblatt said in prin­ciple it would be possible to build brains that could repro­duce themselves on an assembly line and which would be con­scious of their existence.

NYT 1958

John and Sam are talking about the following article:
Professor’s perceptron paved the way for AI – 60 years too soon

In this post the dialogue is realised by an interaction of virtual characters, for more information please check the page “Virtual characters


So you really want to compare neurons to thermostats and these “governors”?

Today 17:09


Some might disagree, but I think it is a much better comparison than all-or-nothing circuits that just represent a 1 or a 0 😊
(How Computationally Complex Is a Single Neuron?)

Today 17:10


That’s a good point: neurons have a graded response and integrate a lot of signals, so that is already more sophisticated than a circuit

Today 17:10


I guess that your perspective matters: for a hardware engineer, it really is about the nuts and bolts of how stuff works at the lowest levels 😅

Today 17:11


but I suppose that from the point of view of software and mathematical models you can just treat neurons as numbers or a function

Today 17:11


And that is why you would say that we need to look at analog computing and real time computing?

Today 17:12 


If you want to understand why it is “neuromorphic” computing, yes!
Otherwise it is just fancy statistics

Today 17:12


Ooh, that might be a controversial take indeed! 😏

Today 17:13 


Ha! 😄 I thought you might like to make the article a bit thought-provoking

Today 17:13


But then at a higher level of abstraction, when you put those artificial neurons together into a neural network …?

Today 17:15 


Well, sure, you get all the bells and whistles of machine learning and artificial intelligence, which is what your readers expect I guess

Today 17:15


You seem dismissive about that? 😅

Today 17:16 


I don’t mean to, no, but after hearing about this 19th century engineer, Smee, from Julia I started to think differently about it

Today 17:17


How so? What made you change your mind?

Today 17:18   


Well, just making a network out of stuff, doesn’t necessarily make it more “brainlike”, you know

Today 17:18


Smee just tried to link all the concepts we explicitly know we have, but we more often than not don’t know what and how our brains are doing

Today 17:18


So copying the structure of the brain without copying the bits and pieces it is made of doesn’t make it “neuromorphic”?

Today 17:19   


In a way, yes. We don’t have to copy everything, of course, all the biological stuff, and perhaps not even all the chemical stuff

Today 17:19


Just the bits that are relevant to computation, even if we don’t really see it as computation in the classical sense?

Today 17:20   


Exactly! 😊

And perhaps we end up with artificial neural networks that aren’t terribly efficient or useful

Today 17:20


So it depends a bit on whether you use neuromorphic computing to get quick results or to better understand the brain or computing?

Today 17:21   


Yes, and we might learn something unexpected from our brains, which are still the most efficient computers on the planet

Today 17:21


That was great stuff! And totally unexpected for me

Today 17:22   


You might want to check up with Cho about some of the details regarding how neurons work though …

Today 17:22


Excellent idea, I’ll do that right away 😊

Today 17:23   

… Continue reading our conversations that are posted every Monday …

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Sketchy AI

Sketchy AI

“Young man, you don’t think I’m encountering constructive symbolism for the first time, do you? “Unplug”: free yourself from physicality, from the vulgar earthbound physicality, from the evils of civilization, from electricity, nerves, and so on. Isn’t that what this is? The association is crystal clear, I’d be tempted to say, perhaps even too obvious” (Kishon 1987)

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AI see, AI do

AI see, AI do

You young badgers imagine that it would be enough to smear a pound of paint on the canvas and you’re already a modern painter. I would be willing to accept this abomination for a bad joke, if there was even the slightest humor behind it. But this here is an abracadabra! A nothing!

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